The geography and geology of lakes and rivers is a fascinating subject. From plankton to larger fishes and wildlife, rivers and lakes are rich with biodiversity. The earliest civilizations were based around rivers such as the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates, and Indus and Huang Ho valleys.
Illustrating the physical geography, hydrology, ecology, and human use of these areas, Lakes and Rivers, Second Edition provides an excellent overview of the past, present, and future of these habitats, describing this unique ecosystem in a clear, complete manner. This lavishly illustrated eBook concludes with a discussion of threats to rivers and lakes, such as overharvesting, effects of damming, pollution, and climate change, as well as ways to manage and protect these habitats.
About the Author(s)
Trevor Day, a former marine biologist, has served as a research scientist at the Natural Environment Research Council Unit in North Wales and as a fisheries biologist for the United Nations Development Program in Egypt. He has been a teacher, lecturer, and writer in England for more than 20 years. He is also the author or coauthor of more than 35 books and has written hundreds of articles for academic and educational publications, magazines, and respected newspapers.