Home Books The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages
  • Authored by: Kate Kelly
  • From the Series: The History of Medicine
  • Trim Size: 6 x 9
  • ISBN-10: 081607206X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-7206-4
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $40.00
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 08/01/2009
  • Dewey Number: 610
  • Reading Level: Grades 9 and up
  • Pages: 176


During the Middle Ages (ca. 529-1100), the rise of Christianity had a definite effect on the practice of medicine. Pope Gregory (ca. 540-604) stressed the importance of prayer over medicine, and over time that sentiment became pervasive. Each time a person was healed, it was considered a miracle. The church taught that since God sometimes sent illness as punishment, that prayer and repentance could lead to recovery. When Christians used herbal remedies, the church wanted the magic spells to be replaced with prayers of devotion. Eventually, as different schools of thought emerged, tension developed between church-related cures and folk medicine.

The Middle Ages illuminates what occurred during medieval times that affected future developments in medicine. Featuring a chronology, a glossary, and an array of historical and current sources for further research, this insightful volume provides readers with a better understanding of the accomplishments of the time, explaining how and why scientific understanding was poised for the breakthrough of the Renaissance period. The Middle Ages is especially helpful for readers who need additional information on specific terms, topics, and developments in medical science.

Chapters include:

  • Medical Beliefs in Medieval Times
  • Medieval Healers and Hospitals
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Methods
  • Surgery in the Middle Ages
  • Women Practitioners and What Was Known About Women's Health
  • Public Health in the Middle Ages
  • Terrifying Illnesses of Medieval Times
  • The Golden Age of Islamic Medicine.


Full-color photographs and line illustrations. Index. Glossary. Chronology. Sidebars. Print and Web resources. Tables and charts. 

About the Author(s)

Kate Kelly specializes in science, history, and medicine. She is the author of more than 30 books, including That's Not in My Science Book!, a layperson's guide to complex scientific concepts. Her recent medical collaborations have been on heart disease, macular degeneration, allergies, and asthma. She also speaks regularly at middle and high schools about the history of the American ballot box.

Reviews and Awards

"...perfect for any student interested in medicine...very readable and will be of interest to many students...a worthwhile purchase for any collection. Recommended."

Library Media Connection

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